ERP Italia, partner of the Green Alley Award 2018


ERP Italia is an Italian partner of the Green Alley Award 2018, the European competition for startups dealing with the circular economy. The award is aimed at startups and young entrepreneurs who have developed a business model in the areas of digital circular economy, recycling and waste treatment. In particular, the competition is aimed at companies that are about to launch their products or services on the market, or that are already growing or wanting to expand into other European markets. The only condition is that the business idea aims to satisfy the concept of circular economy and generate resources from recycling. The Green Alley Award was born in 2014 on the initiative of Landbell Group with the aim of encouraging the transition to the circular economy. Founders and startups have the opportunity to present their innovative projects. By July 1st 2018 it is possible to send online the request to participate in the competition via the website The winner will be announced in October during the final in Berlin, on the occasion of which he will have to present his project. Besides, the winner will receive a cash prize of 25,000 euros. “We are very proud to provide our contribution to the creation of a European recycling culture, widespread and shared with local communities, organizations and associations – commented Umberto Raiteri, CEO of ERP (European Recycling Platform) -. Being part of an important European platform allows us not only to transfer to the producers the benefits of an experience and know-how widely validated internationally, but also to contribute to raising the awareness among citizens and institutions towards issues of broad interest such as the environmental protection and the importance of the circular economy”.