HOSPITALITY: Professional hood under testing


The tests carried out in the accredited laboratory of 3P Engineering allow professional hood manufacturers to achieve reliable results about appliances’ uptake capacity, improving energy saving performances and the use efficiency.

The activity of the Test Laboratory (Accredia Lab n. 1537 L, UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018) together with the development of Test Benches, constitutes the core mission of the engineering company 3P Engineering.
In the household appliance sector, 3P Engineering carries out all indispensable tests for the energy label of hoods, ovens and hobs for the professional catering sector, permitting manufacturing companies to reduce drastically the times and costs of the tests provided for by the Directives 2010/30/EU, EU 65/2014, of the tests according to IEC 61591 and of conformity tests in compliance with Directive RoHS 2011/65/UE.
Concerning hoods, volumetric airflow tests, grease absorption tests and the measurement of the global level of noise power are the three test categories most demanded in this ambit, carried out by means of Airflow Test Bench, Grease Test Bench and the Noise Test Bench. The technology of Test Benches by 3P Engineering offers advantages also for the companies of the Vending machine sector, growing and paying increasing attention to safety and quality, for which it is possible to carry out reliability tests and transport/packaging tests by means of the Clamp & Drop test bench.

The Grease Test Bench by 3P Engineering: for the measuring of the Grease Absorption Factor (GF) of kitchen hoods IEC 61591, EN 61591

The latest novelty concerns a specific Set-up for the Odour Chamber, a mobile device implemented according to specific regulations (variant of the measurement of ORF-Odour Reduction Factor, IEC 61591 referring to the EN 13141-3 European standard about residential ventilation), to study possible interferences on the hood operation.
3P Engineering is an independent accredited laboratory as guarantee of the test objectivity, with a broad choice of tests (laboratory for metals, polymers, thermal-fluid, special tests upon specific demands), up to the uptake tests to measure the real suction capacity of hoods in terms of odours and fumes, and not only the quantity of sucked air, with investigations that can permit a notable energy saving and an efficiency increase inside professional kitchen environments.

The Clamp & Drop Test Bench by 3P Engineering, strategic solution to test transport and packaging