Electrolux Supplier Awards 2014: CMI is among the winners


Electrolux-Supplier-Awards-2014-002-356x356Electrolux recently held its second Supplier Awards that awards suppliers who have distinguished for their levels of quality, innovation and performance. Out of 3,000 potential candidates, twelve winners were selected. Thirty-five finalists gathered for a one-day event at Electrolux headquarters in Stockholm which featured a workshop on innovation and productivity, a culinary experience with Electrolux top chefs and the awards ceremony. Winners were chosen in the following categories:
Supplier Excellence, Global Logistics and Supplier Innovation. CMI was awarded in this category that recognizes the collaboration between Electrolux and its suppliers to develop new innovative components that make a difference to Group products and for consumers. “Suppliers play a crucial role within innovation. The solutions we have created together increase Group competitiveness”, said Jan Brockmann, Chief Technology Officer of Electrolux. “By making a joint effort we can identify new business ideas and bring value to consumers”.