Elica, air nouveau à Paris


Elica Air Nuveau en France04At the Paris Institute of Italian Culture, during the event for the opening of Elica France, Elica has presented to the market the philosophy which guides its strategies. “We decided to hold our event here because art assists communication between different cultures – said Elica chairman, Francesco Casoli –. We have always believed that the meeting between art and enterprise leads to innovation and creativity, both essential elements for anyone manufacturing design products and facing global challenges. Our company deals with air quality and treatment and we focus our research and innovation activities on these issues. We are in France because we are very attached to our customers and we want to be as close as possible to them”. “France – commented Giuseppe Perucchetti, CEO of Elica – is Europe’s third largest market for kitchen hoods and therefore vital to development of our brand. Elica has yet to express its full potential in this area and this offers a major opportunity for growth, so we will be focusing on doubling our share on this market over the next two years”. In Paris Elica presented its leading products in an original setting created by the stARTT firm of architects. Among the products, there were the Ye, Nuage, Om Air, Amelie, Seashell, Edith, Audrey, Stripe, Elle and Lol hoods, the fragrance diffuser Marie and the Stream system in which the hood and the hob communicate in wi-fi thanks to an innovative technology.