Electrolux: new visual identity


Electrolux-Retail1-940x520Electrolux introduced a new visual identity for the company brand. Refreshing the iconic logotype and setting new distinctive standards for imagery and colors, the design is created to have more stopping power and stand out from the crowd wherever consumers meet Electrolux. The new logotype introduces the company name in a new font and puts greater emphasis on Electrolux’s symbol, first used in 1962. “With such a distinctive symbol at the forefront, it communicates modern and innovative while maintaining the associations of trust and quality that consumers have come to expect from our brand”, MaryKay Kopf, Chief Marketing Officer of the Electrolux Group, said. “A visual identity is much more than a change of logo and color palette. It represents a new sense of Electrolux as a brand, what we and our products and services stand for and how we want to be perceived”, MaryKay Kopf said. “The new visual identity will build greater recognition by engaging people in a positive and emotional way; helping to inspire them, identify key benefits and find what they are looking for”. The new visual identity will be in-store, online, on packaging and through mobile devices.