Panasonic: two new washing machines with smart sensor technology


Panasonic sett 14Panasonic has developed an intelligent sensor technology for its latest range of washing machines. The two models NA-148XS1 and NA-148XR1 incorporate the Econavi four sensor system with AutoCare automatic washing programme that remove the need to manually set the washing cycle. The system intelligently detects the optimum washing time, temperature, water volume, soil degree and spinning time. When a smaller load is placed into the NA-148XS1 and NA-148XR1 models, the Wash Load sensor detects that the smaller volume of clothes will need less water. As a result, the AutoCare programme adjusts the volume of water and calculates the washing time required for the cycle, efficiently managing water consumption and energy use. Besides, Water Temperature sensor detects the actual temperature of the supplied water to ensure fast and ideal dissolving of the detergent and again automatically regulates the wash cycle to its optimum length. The Optical sensor, instead, ensures that laundry is cleaned thoroughly and efficiently by determining the levels of dirt within the load and adjusting washing time, temperature setting, water levels and the appropriate number of rinse cycles. This sensor also uses an infrared ray to intelligently measure the opaqueness of detergent-water, identifying both the degree of dirt on the clothes and the detergent type within the drum, subsequently instructing the machine to operate at intensive or light mode as suitable. Finally, with Material sensor, the proportion of cottons and synthetics within the load are detected via the water weight held within the fabric and the optimum spin time is applied. Both new washing machine models have been awarded an A+++ -40 rating: utilizing the inverter controlled brushless motor and innovative 3D sensor technology, Panasonic’s 3D HydroActive+ feature enables to save energy and water when washing. The three multi-directional 3D HydroActive+ showers are more powerful and have a wide reach – from the front of the drum to the very back. This ensures the rapid delivery of water for deep penetration of detergents and high rinsing performance, producing clean fabrics efficiently and with less energy consumption.
Finally, the NA-148XS1 model also has equipped with time-saving Steam Action technology for wrinkle and allergen-free clothes, as well as refreshment of clothes without the need to wash. This technology allows to inject steam into the clothes during the wash-cycle, penetrating the fibres to loosen the fabric and help clothes to emerge wrinkle-free.