The restructuring of Whirlpool Emea


With the arrival of February, they have started the reorganization and the restructuring of the Market Operations sector of Whirlpool Emea, promoted by Lorenzo Paolini, Managing Director and vice president Market Operations West & South Europe, and Pam Klyn, vice president Products and Brands Emea. The appointments were four.
GLittaruGian Luca Littaru has been appointed General Manager Refrigeration. Littaru, 42 years old, degree in mechanical engineering at Rome University and MBA at Stanford University, was engaged in Whirlpool EMEA in 2008 as Strategy and Business Development manager and he afterwards held roles of growing responsibility on an EMEA global and regional level in the ambit of the product development and strategy, up to the previous role as Emea General Manager for the dishwasher sector. Before being engaged at Whirlpool he worked in the Boston Consulting Group. Littaru will refer to Klyn.


mcasaleMarco Casale has been appointed General Manager Dishwashing. Casale, 38 years old, graduated in Law at Sapienza University in Rome and he achieved a Master in Marketing Management at Luiss in Rome. He started working at Whirlpool EMEA in 2011 as Marketing Manager Italy and South Europe after gaining experiences in marketing and commercial ambit at Sara Lee, Barilla and Reckitt Benckiser. Casale will refer to Klyn.


rberardoRaffaella Berardo is employed at Whirlpool EMEA as Regional Marketing Director West & South Europe. Berardo, 42 years old, graduated in Economics at Turin University and worked for Danone, Sara Lee and, lately, Star Alimentare, entrusted with roles of rising responsibility in Marketing & Sales ambit, until the last appointment as Sales Director. Berardo will refer to Paolini.


vcherevkoVladimir Cherevko has been appointed Brands & Innovation manager. Cherevko, with a diploma in Business administration with specialization in Marketing Management achieved at BethanyLutheranCollege in Minnesota, enters Whirlpool after working with PepsiCo Russia, where he worked as Senior Marketing Manager Pepsi Brand. He had previously worked for Procter & Gamble, holding various roles always in the Brand sector. Cherevko will refer to Klyn.

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