EPCIA expects a slight recovery of the passive components market in Europe


According to European Passive Components Industry Association (EPCIA), after a decrease by 8% in 2012 the European passives components market started weak in 2013 but finished fairly strong. However, it ended with a minus of 4% compared to 2012. This results mainly from the overall soft economy, especially in the southern European countries. For 2014 the EPCIA members expect a slight recovery (plus 1%) of the passive components market in Europe. This will result in a total market volume of around 4.1 billion euro overall for passive components in the current year. After a strong decrease of the capacitors market by 11% in 2012 and 5% in 2013, a slight recovery by 3% up to a volume of ca. 1.6 billion euro in 2014 is being forecasted. The resistors market is fluctuating much less: in 2013 the market has reached a similar level as in the previous year (750 mio. Euro). For 2014 a slight recovery, up to a volume of 766 mio. euro (+3%), is expected. The combined market for electromagnetic components and RF-filters was also badly hit in 2012 (-6%) and in 2013 (-4%), down to a volume of only around 1.8 billion euro. For 2014 the experts expect a market volume only at the level of the previous year.