
“Custom-made” evaporators for high performances and energy saving


The customized design of the roll bond evaporator according to the requirements of the refrigeration appliance (and of end users) allows enhancing its performances and, besides, optimizing the energy saving.

by Manuela Gioberti

HA06_ITP_OLS_EVAPORATIn state-of-the-art refrigerators, the achievement of high energy efficiency performances according to the national labelling regulations of the product derives from the result of each single component. Starting from the roll bond evaporator, essential element of the operation of the whole refrigeration cycle, since it is the nodal point in which occurs the transformation of the coolant from liquid to gas, with the heat absorption inside the compartment. The “tailor-made” design of the roll bond evaporator according to the requirements of the appliance and of end users, core of the industrial activity of Ols, is therefore strategic not only for the better product operation but, more in general, for the reduction of the environmental impact.

Utmost customization
The evaporation plate of the roll bond refrigerating fluid is composed by two aluminium plates and on one of them, through a silk-screen process, is traced the optimal canalization for the specific refrigerator model on which it will be installed. Once machined, the two plates are joined by a hot rolling process. The channels obtained by blowing compressed air along the canalization are perfectly integrated inside the plate itself and allow a much higher heat exchange in comparison with what can be attained through the simple coupling of an aluminium plate with a coil constituted by an aluminium tube. The roll bond process allows then obtaining “customized” finished products in compliance with the requirements of the various typologies of refrigerating appliances, improving their overall performances.

OLS Saldatura

Productive process under control
The assembly of roll bond evaporators is fully carried out by Ols in the various phases, which include: the plate welding to heat exchangers, the chemical pre-treatment of the evaporator and the final painting with automated plants.

OLS Verniciatura

Focus on energy efficiency 
Thanks to its shape and ranking in the ambit of state-of-the-art appliances that exploit the potentialities of the refrigerating gas, the roll bond type evaporator allows increasing the efficiency of the refrigerating circuit while OLS Evaporatorilimiting energy consumptions and the environmental impact. In addition to the specific performances of the evaporator in roll bond, the company’s possibility of studying for each single appliance the canalization that best complies with the refrigeration circuit requirements, allows enhancing the efficiency of the refrigerating appliance and then conforming to the consumption features related to the energy efficiency classes A+++ and A++++, without making changes in the compressor class or in the characteristics of the thermal insulation positioned close to the appliance walls.

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