New column-free Engel e-motion 50TL


Engel has celebrated its first 25 years of itsHA09_P&C_ENGEL column-free technology with the debut of the new Engel e-motion 50TL, which shows a wide and hindrance-free mould area and allows achieving compact production isles. The press Engel e-motion 50 TL couples in fact the technology of the full-electric drive with a column-free closure group in a machine characterized by very small sizes.

In the Teletronics area of Engel stand, in the course of the exhibition, the new all-electric column-free Engel e-motion 50 TL press will demonstrate its great precision in the production of connector bodies. This new all-electric column-free 50-ton machine is characterized by a new monobloc body, which confers it higher compactness, coupled with perfect parallelism between surfaces and uniform distribution of the closing force.

The e-motion TL range, which now includes the 30 and 50-ton models, provides for a bigger size version in the future.