MECSPE survey on Italian mechanics and subcontracting


Positive signs for employment in the Italian mechanics and subcontracting field, especially for those who invest in training and innovation. The number of employees in 2014, compared to 2011, has remained stable for 62.1% of the companies and 26.8% even said the number grew. Only 11.1% had to reduce the staff. The forecast for 2015 sees 80.3% willing to maintain a stable level of employment, 14.8% foresees increases and only 4.8% expects decreases. This is the scenario painted by the MECSPE Observatory realized by Senaf for MECSPE, the international fair of technologies for innovation that will be held in Parma from 26th to 28th March 2015. The event will give the opportunity to find cutting-edge products, innovative technologies, partners to develop business opportunities and solutions to improve the production. A complete fair with 1,229 exhibitors, 31 working isles, 15 thematic areas, 9 theme halls, 10 squares of excellence, 103 miniconferences and meetings organized by companies, universities and research institutes.
MECSPE_Dettaglio_Lav.MeccanicaThe survey on the scenario, which mainly concerns companies with turnovers of less than 10 million euro (84.3%) and employing less than 50 employees (86.7%), shows that those who have focused on training are the most satisfied with the results of their companies. In fact, the entrepreneurs who have invested in updating their employees are almost nine out of ten (89.8%). In particular, 27.6% dedicated “up to 10 hours”, 25.7% “between 11 and 20”, 15.5% “between 21 and 30” and 21.1% “more than 31 hours”.
In Italy, according to data by Excelsior-Unioncamere processed by Senaf for MECSPE, 132,780 hirings are expected in the first quarter 2015. Of these, 22% (equal to 29,140) concern the industry. Specifically: the mechanical and electronic industries expect to hire, in the first three months of the year, 8,220 employees (28.2% of total industry); the metallurgical industries 4,850 (16.6%); the food, beverage and tobacco industries 4,220 (14.5%); the textile, clothing and footwear industries 3,430 (11.8%); the chemical-pharmaceutical industries and the plastics and rubber industries 2,630 (9%); the wood and furniture industries 1,080 (3.7%); the industries processing non-metallic minerals and mining industries 800 (2.7%); the paper and printing industries 700 (2.4%); other industries 3,210 (11%). The most requested profiles are those of specialized workers (30%) and machine operators (26%); 60% generally requires specific experience and 73.2% requires a diploma. If candidate’s sex is indifferent for 41.4%, 46% still prefers the masculine gender.