Appliances manufacturing in USA: new orders and shipments decreased in February compared to January


us manuf freccia-giuU.S. Census Bureau has recently published data about USA manufacturing in February. New orders for manufactured durable goods decreased by 1.4% to $230.9 billion compared to January 2015. New orders for the category “electrical equipment, appliances and components” totaled $10,550 million in February, +3% compared to the previous month. In particular, however, household appliances achieved $1,721 million, -3% compared to January 2015.
As regards to the shipments, durable goods industries reached $243,974 million, with a small fall of 0.2%. Electrical equipment, appliances and components overall registered $10,473 million in February 2015 (-0.3% compared to the previous month), while the appliances alone reached $1,750 million (-0.7% in February vs. January 2015).