Household appliances and IoT


flyer_20_07_15.jpgOn Tuesday, 28th July in Milan, at the congress hall of the Italian Computer Association (AICA), will be held “SandS in the Hands”, the final workshop of the European project Social&Smart. The meeting will be an interesting opportunity to discover how to produce, to sell and to use household appliances in the era of Internet of Things. With the awareness that today the market is ready for a new management of household appliances, the workshop will explain how the Social&Smart project has succeeded in connecting the household appliance world with Internet and how the technological challenges will be able to bring advantages to users, producers and resellers.
The meeting will take place from 10.00 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Milan, in Piazzale Rodolfo Morandi 2.
The event is free of charge, upon reservation at the address