Sabaf combined food and technology at Supernova 2015


sabaf_sede_di_ospitalettoSabaf has taken part in Supernova 2015, festival of innovation that took place in Brescia from 2nd to 4th October. The company’s stand was divided into two parts. The first part was dedicated to the products: there was a freestanding kitchen equipped with various lines of Sabaf’s components, with a glass that allowed visitors to see the inside of the kitchen. On the other side of the stand, a cooking show was realized in collaboration with CAST Alimenti (Center Art, Science and food Technology), using an appliance equipped with Sabaf’s taps and burners. “Sabaf has always been at the forefront in the research and development of efficient products for gas cooking – commented Nicola Belpietro, executive sales director of Sabaf -. Each year we invest about 3% of our turnover in R&D. Our presence at Supernova is the best way to communicate, both locally and nationally, our technological and productive leadership”.