Complex technical components


Specialized in the production of complex technical components, Vignati Group excels in the capability of matching the most suitable performances of different materials, technologies and components.

The components it produces include the realization of moulds and dies and are mainly present in the sectors of electronics, electromechanics, medical and telecommunications. The Group can supply integrated solutions, where different materials, technologies and design skills share in providing added-value solutions. Products are fruit of the competences gained in the development and in the machining of plastic and metal components, in the execution of physical-mechanical tests, small kinematic parts, inserts and other fixing elements.

Another factor on which Vignati focuses attentively is co-design, since the early design phases carried out in strict collaboration with customers, working at the product in its entirety. Sometimes, this means to integrate a metal component with the plastic material piece, sometimes to replace metal with a suitable polymer: knowledge and capability of using two technologies, the one of plastic material and the metal one, neither limit, nor lead to favour, one of the two but, on the contrary, they allow their synergistic use, in order to optimize the final result.Layout 1