Next Design Innovation


next design innovationIt’s online the competition announcement “Next Design Innovation” for designers and innovators under 35, resident or who have studied in Lombardy. The competition allows new ideas to be developed, prototyped and exhibited at the Milan Design Week 2016. Next Design Innovation is promoted by the Department of Design at the Polytechnic of Milan and the Lombardy Region, with the support of Polifactory of the Department of Design at the Polytechnic of Milan, that will manage the technical development of designers’ ideas.15 proposals will be selected on the themes: new household tools and appliances, interactive furniture and lighting, wearable and fashion, new tools and devices for smart cities and smart vehicles for smart mobility. One or more topics can be explored, with particular attention to the relationship between design and emerging technologies: from the systems of applied sensors to the technologies for digital manufacturing, combined with traditional techniques or industrial processes. The deadline is on December 31st, 2015.