From ha parts&components to ha factory


The review you are leafing through stemmed from a branch of ae-apparecchielettrodomestici, when we decided to complete the monthly magazine dedicated to the finished products of the household appliance industry with a rich section focused on the component world. It was so successful that we soon opted for a further evolution, making the review bilingual (English/Italian) due to the undisputed relevance that the international market holds for the Italian manufacturing world.

Considering the evolution of technological processes, the diffusion of Internet of Thing and of the productive dynamics that are fuelled by the so called Industry 4.0, also our magazine needed a deep review (which we have decided to start despite the constant rise of renown and turnover), extending the horizon not only to the domestic but also to the professional and industrial ambit (a course, to tell the truth, already started in the last few years).

The new format of the review, then, confirms the attention to products and services of the domestic, professional and industrial field (components) and highlights the importance of the manufacturing process and of logistic and distribution services devised for the sector (solutions).

Moreover, we have revised the internal graphics, giving broad space to the articles in English and organizing the Italian translation at the end of each report: this has allowed conceiving a more pleasant and airy pagination (compared to the previous coexistence of two bilingual columns).

Each issue proposes, with Zoom, an opening article dedicated to a trend topic or to the state-of-art of a determinate finished product (with the involvement of the brands at issue). Wide the Technologies segment, dedicated to the technological evolution of both product and process with specific interpretative keys, from product to process, from the business organization to sustainability strategies. Still present the sections Inside the Product, focused on a specific component, Design, dealing with product design, paying particular attention to the shift from concept to engineering, Focus Market, which report data and analyses of production and sales in typological and geographical terms, The Still Never Appliance, which illustrates innovative products not in production, yet.