ERP Italia reaches the annual EU target in six months

Alberto Canni Ferrari, Country General Manager of the ERP Italia Consortium

ERP Italia Consortium, one of the main not-for-profit Collective Systems engaged across the Italian territory in the management of WEEE and WBA (Waste Batteries and Accumulators) has exceeded the mandatory target imposed by the EU that lays down the collection and/or disposal of at least 45% of the products released on the market. In six months, the ERP Italia Consortium collected 1,464,357 kg of portable batteries and accumulators, that is, 47% of the quantities put on the market by the portable batteries and accumulators members of the consortium. “WBA collection is very complex due to the nature, size and widespread distribution of spent batteries – said Alberto Canni Ferrari, Country General Manager of the ERP Italia Consortium -. Thanks to our specific organisational structure, which is derived from our international network, the ERP Italia Consortium is able to operate with a dense logistics network of operators, obtaining excellent results and ensuring high competitive rates from the point of view of the collection rate/price ratio, ensuring our associates are fully in compliance with their obligations under the EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility)”.