Gias, Haier Europe Service, was awarded by Conai (Italian Packaging Consortium) for the new packaging used for the washing machine drum group. The award was delivered during the “Economy and Future” event held in Milan. The initiative, promoted by Conai with the patronage of the Ministry of the Environment, was created to award the most innovative packaging solutions. It is a recognition that rewards the efforts of Haier Europe towards sustainability and efficiency in the management of logistics and packaging, with the creation of a specifically dedicated team – the “4R_Project”: Reduction, Recycling, Reuse, Rules – which has allowed an increase in the space saturation in the means of transport and in the warehouse by 20%. These 4 indicators guided the packaging redesign: Gias, after having won in 2018 a special award for the paper packaging eco-sustainability assigned to the new packaging for the refrigerator gaskets, this year repeated its victory by winning the “Super Premio Materiale” (“Super Material Award”) thanks to a special packaging for the washing machine drum. The new packaging has made it possible to reduce the use of expanded polystyrene by 90%, the weight of the raw material used by 29%, the number of components by 20% and the type of materials used from 3 to 2. This decrease of complexity led to a 15% reduction in average working time to assemble the packaging in the production line. The project dedicated to the washing machine drum group has also allowed the optimization of the warehouse space, thanks to the reduction of materials and thanks to the reduction of packaging complexity.