Haier: 2 million euro multi-channel campaign


Haier is the protagonist of an advertising campaign in Italy for two million euros, characterized by the claims “# 1 in the world in household appliances” and “Preserve Life’s Flavour”. The multi-channel campaign includes a TV spot, dedicated to the cooling range and realized by the BETC agency in the 15, 20 and 30 second versions (on air until July 11th on SKY, RAI and La 7 channels). Other initiatives concern video installations, digital billposting, posters and playbills in Milan. “Haier is the brand designed and dedicated to those who aspire to premium experiences related to the home appliances – comments Sabrina Zara, Italy Marketing Director of Haier Europe -. Being the world leaders in our sector for over 10 years has pushed us to do our best to offer our consumers products and solutions that combine the best of technology and design with a personalized and tailor-made consumer journey”.