Sabaf Kitchen Book: a recipe book to support childhood


An original recipe book to support childhood through a project in collaboration with Save the Children. This was the goal that the Sabaf Group had set itself by creating, with the help of its employees, the Sabaf Kitchen Book. If the pandemic had increased the number of children in need of help, the war in Ukraine has made the situation considerably worse. In this context, the company focuses on the unifying power of the cooking to promote the ethical values that represent it. For this reason, thanks to the contribution of the Chef Stefano Cerveni, Sabaf involved all the employees of the Group (present in Turkey, Brazil, China, Poland and Italy) in the creation of a recipe book. The volume includes 80 recipes from 5 countries in 3 different continents. The kitchen book will be available exclusively online at the link from where it can be downloaded for free. For each download, the Sabaf Group will donate one euro to Save the Children. “It was a great happiness when, in the Middle Ages, the caravans of travelers and merchants from the East and the West crossed their paths – says Pietro Iotti, CEO of Sabaf, in the introduction of the book -. They shared experiences, stories, water and above all food. Food: for millennia it has been an element of sharing and brotherhood. Sabaf Kitchen Book was conceived just like an occasion of happiness, with a triple objective: to share, unite and be in solidarity. Collecting a testimony of the dishes, of the heart or of the tradition, coming from all offices of the Group, as a means of sharing our personal experiences, our flavors, our traditions, our culture with distant colleagues”.