New website for Falmec


Falmec website has been revamped for a more user-friendly experience. It is possible to select different languages and users can explore the whole Falmec product range: hoods, integrated cooking systems and Bellaria, the system for the air treatment that purifies and improves the indoor air quality. Each section offers an overview on the available models with both still and lifestyle images bigger and immersive than previously. By clicking on the chosen model, users are able to discover all the technical information required, from materials, dimensions and features to accessories and available finishes. To help visitors deepen their knowledge of each product, installation video guides, instruction manuals and technical specification sheets are provided on the same page for easy downloading. Moreover the 3D models and the BIM files provided allow interior designers, architects and professionals to create new kitchen projects more easily. Falmec also wanted to boost the development of new technologies that represent the heart of research and focus on more innovative and sustainable solutions. Like the “E.ion System” for air purification, “Silence NRS” for acoustic comfort and “No-Drop System” for improved cleaning in the kitchen, plus “Multi-Air” and “Circle.Tech” filtration systems to improve energy efficiency and sustainability. All these represent innovations developed by Falmec. The new Falmec website also directs customers to a special page dedicated to “Support”, where the user can explore the “Accessories” available for each model and variant. Besides, the full product catalogue is available. Finally, the “Magazine” section brings the visitor to read the latest news from the “world of Falmec”: new products and projects, awards, fairs, events, showrooms and press reviews, as well as in-depth articles dedicated to individual technologies and designers.