Made in Italy induction takes off


Thanks to Sabaf Induction Business Unit, which is about to manufacture and to market its first solutions on a global scale, Sabaf is ready to be protagonist in the technological induction sector.

The market of induction cooking components is living a smart period, highlighting a double-digit growth in our continent. Among sector protagonists stands out the name of Sabaf, ready to carve out a larger and larger market share, through and attentive product strategy enhanced by the recent establishment of Sabaf Induction division.
«The induction cooking market in Europe is estimated to exceed 4 million hobs sold yearly and it stably grows by over 10% year by year», affirms Pietro Iotti, CEO of Sabaf. «Our target is to succeed in obtaining about 5% of the European market of induction components by 2025 and we believe that in the medium-term the induction cooking world will conquer also markets that nowadays still prevailingly choose the cooking with radiant electric or with gas power supply, starting from the United States».

Pietro Iotti, CEO of Sabaf

Precisely for this reason, to seize the sector’s rising opportunities, Sabaf Induction operates on the market, the initiative with which the Italian multinational that manufactures components for household appliances has announced the enlargement of its product range through the new Made in Italy induction technology.
«The Induction Project takes a fundamental meaning in the Group’s strategic evolution and is framed in the transformation course we have been accomplishing for some years, to rank as all-round player in the sector of “smart appliances”», Iotti underlines. «Moreover, the proprietary development of the project will allow us to offer our customers customized products in the induction cooking ambit, to increment flexibility and to generate innovation in the sector».

Flexi-one configuration with 4 Square inductors on AluPlate

Innovation and flexibility
To give concreteness and soundness to Sabaf Induction project, since the early phases Sabaf has made huge economic, technological, competence and staff investments. The new technology, in fact, has already captured the interest of some players in the household appliance sector, as the already occurred signature of the first agreements demonstrates.
«For the project, launched at the beginning of 2020, Sabaf Group has invested over 5 million Euros and has involved a team of 50 engineers, who boast great expertise in the induction sector», Iotti highlights. «The team has already implemented five different platforms that can offer over 90 various combinations, including inductors, size of coils and user interface. The activity is carried out by the research and development centre headquartered in North Italy and it avails, and will avail, itself of the competences by Okida and PGA, leader company in electronic components and member of our Group, where the vast majority of components will be manufactured, too».
The appurtenance to Sabaf Group, renowned on a world scale for its know-how and the forefront technology, already distinguishes Sabaf Induction from its competitors. This good preliminary condition will allow the Business Unit to be up to the market’s expectations, permitting its customers to seize the advantages of induction, technology still limited to Europe and partially to America.
«The competences on which we rely, consolidated through takeovers and the huge investments in research and development, permit us to propose also in the electronics segment products with high technological content and maximum energy efficiency, in coherent evolution with the ecologic transition», Iotti points out. «Our hallmarks will be continuous innovation, the highest flexibility versus customers and the willingness to implement jointly customized projects according to the requirements of customers and of the markets of their interest».

Matrix 2×1 user interface

The first products are incoming
Concerning the offer, the first finished products will be soon available, betting on features such as modularity and customization, precisely to confirm the centrality of each single customer’s specific requirements.
«In recent months the first prototypes have been delivered to customers, whereas the production will start by the first 2023-semester», Iotti confirms. «The distribution, planned on a global scale, will be primarily boosted by partnerships existing in the gas segment with major household appliance manufacturers.
Characteristics depend on customers’ needs: our offer initially aims at covering especially high-end ranges, however offering also absolutely innovative functions and solutions compared to those proposed by the current panorama».
At this point, the question spontaneously arises: what will be Sabaf Induction’s business goals in the course of 2023? Iotti’s answer is clear: «To be able to satisfy our customers’ demands in terms of flexible delivery, customization and technological and qualitative excellence», CEO of Sabaf affirms in conclusion.