Megadyne acquires SATI


Megadyne announced the acquisition of SATI SpA. This company (operating in the field of the open transmission components) is located in Italy (Valsamoggia) and boasts 45 years of history. This transaction follows the acquisition of Challenge PT in July 2018. With the combination of Sati, Challenge and the existing manufacturing unit in Poland, Megadyne can offer a very complete range of open transmission components. “I am very pleased to welcome Sati to the Megadyne & AMMEGA family – said Ralph Schuck, CEO AMMEGA (Megadyne is part of AMMEGA, the combination of Ammeraal Beltech and Megadyne) -. We are looking forward to combine the expertise, management competencies, product and market knowledge of both the Rambaldi and Cody families, both European pioneers and reference in their field. By combining both companies, we will further strengthen our group’s position in Europe”. Sati’s state-of-the-art logistic center and quality control in Bologna, combined with Challenge’s hubs in the UK, South Africa, China and Australia, will make Megadyne a real global player in this arena.