CISP: new Italian certification mark


As communicated by CISP (the Italian Porcelain Enamel Center), following the regulatory changes in the Italian Industrial Property Code, introduced by the transposition of EU Directive N.2015/2436, the discipline of the collective mark was modified and a certification mark was introduced with the aim of demonstrating that specific requirements for products or services are met. In 2020, CISP requested the conversion of the collective mark “Smalto Porcellanato” (Porcelain Enamel) into a certification mark. “We are glad to announce the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM) approved our request – CISP says –. The wording ‘Smalto Porcellanato’, accompanied by a distinctive logo, is now a certification mark”. The use of the certification mark is open to all companies upon request and demonstration to follow the rules of the Regulation filed by the Patent Office. Companies can use the certification mark in their technical and promotional documentation, not only to distinguish the material from other coatings and paints, but also to demonstrate the nature and quality of the product.