Good first quarter for the European distribution of electronic components


grafico crescitaAs reported by Idea (International Distribution of Electronics Association), the European distribution of electronic components registered good performances in the first quarter of 2016: total European billings up by 5.9% on the same quarter last year and booking up 5.8%. This is the highest European Q1 bookings and billings for at least the last 8 years – commented the association. The primary driver for this growth is the German performance growing the billings by 7.5% which is by 76 million euro. Considering the different components, semiconductors have led the market growth in both bookings and billings. All regions apart from Nordic have shown a growth in semiconductor revenues in the first quarter compared to the same quarter prior year. The trend of the passive components shows that these products registered a strong increase in the quarter in both bookings and billings: sales indicate that the overall positive growth trend continues with all countries apart from UK and Nordic showing consistent growth for the last five quarters. Again, it is Germany that is leading the market with a strong, stable quarterly increase. In general, the performance of the electromechanical components mirrors that of semiconductors and passives with the strongest bookings and billings since at least 2012. The poor result of the UK, together with a drop in billings in both Switzerland and Austria, has pulled down what could have been a good quarter for electromechanicals.