Flam Gas: new robotic welding island


Always ready to accept the challenges of the market and maintain the competitiveness of its domestic production, Flam Gas has decided on new technological investments for 2024, which will take the form of the purchase of a new sheet metal bending unit and a new robotized welding island that will join the other three already in use. The decision to opt for further automation stems from various contingencies in the industrial sector, such as sudden market fluctuations, the need to reduce delivery times, the ever-increasing demand for reliable, quality production, and the difficulty of finding skilled labour.
New technologies and innovative equipment contribute significantly to giving an evolutionary turn to Flam Gas’ production processes. In particular, the introduction of robots in the company has allowed for the evolution of welding quality standards, enabling precision machining that would have been unthinkable with manual processes. The operator is responsible for loading the components onto special equipment and the robot autonomously performs the precision welds following instructions programmed by specialised personnel, thus avoiding the more complex and tiring operations being carried out by the operator, who can instead focus on quality control. Furthermore, thanks to the interconnection of the management software with the robotic welding islands, it is possible to accurately monitor the processing stages, allowing detailed data analysis to be carried out to analyse the timing and therefore the production costs, energy consumption, any anomalies and machine downtimes.
The analysis of this data translates into a great advantage for making machining steps more efficient, optimising production flows and processes. The result is a significant reduction in waste in terms of time and resources and an increase in the precision and quality of processing and therefore of the final product, making Flam Gas increasingly competitive in meeting market demands.
The investment in advanced technologies and in the automation of these production processes immediately proved to be an advantageous choice, as it made it possible to abandon complicated manual processes, increasing the precision and efficiency of processing in a repeatable manner, thus maintaining the quality standards achieved over time, and allowing new improvement targets to be set.