Aiel’s report on biomass domestic heating in Italy

Photo: Palazzetti Vivienne.

The report “Wood in residential and domestic heating”, published by Aiel (Italian Association of Agroforestry Energy), illustrates the state of the biomass domestic heating by 2022 and, in particular, the technological evolution and its effects in terms of energy efficiency and reduction of atmospheric emissions. Between 2010 and 2022, PM10 emissions caused by wood and pellet products in Italy decreased by 40%, net of a substantial stability of the installed fleet. From the data it emerges that the fleet has undergone a profound transformation: “traditional” devices, such as open fireplaces, went from being 42% of the installed base in 2010 to 34% in 2022. Furthermore, pellet stoves (automatic machines with advanced combustion technology) have gone from 6% to 21% of the total installed in 12 years, marking a notable increase. Wood-burning appliances, which in 2010 represented 92% of the installed base, now correspond to 75%, while pellet-fueled technologies have grown from 8% to 25%. However, an old fleet persists in Italy, given that 66% of the devices are over 10 years old.