Ecodom joins the new Manifesto Green Deal for Italy


The Ecodom Consortium is among the 110 Italian companies and businesses organizations that have signed the Manifesto “Overcome the pandemic with a new Green Deal for Italy”. The Manifesto intervenes in the ongoing debate, at national and European level, on the measures to relaunch the economy, heavily hit by Covid-19, pushing for a development project that will meet the challenges of our time. Measures are needed to make our societies, our health systems and our economy more resilient to pandemics, but also to face other threats for our future: first of all the climate crisis, fueled by a linear economy model with high consumption of fossil energy and wastefulness of natural resources. The European Recovery Plan, which aims to activate a significant funding, should relaunch the ambitious European project for an advanced, decarbonised and circular economy with a new Green Deal. According to the signatories of the Manifesto, a new Green Deal is the way forward for a stronger and longer-lasting recovery because it enhances Italy’s best potentialities: the potentialities linked to quality production, increasingly greener; the potentialities in which it has reached levels of excellence, such as waste recycling, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources; the potentialities of the sustainable agriculture and the other activities of regenerative bioeconomy; the potentialities of the cities to be relaunched with a vast green urban regeneration program; the potentialities of the important natural heritage, necessary for the relaunch of various economic activities such as tourism; the potentialities of the transition to low emissions and with alternative fuels towards the decarbonised, electric and shared mobility, and the potentialities of the digital innovation. The stimulus packages to the economy must not increase the greenhouse gas emissions and the environmental impacts, transferring further costs to our future. The Manifesto with the first 110 signatories will also be sent to the Italian Government and to the majority and opposition parliamentarians, as well as to representatives of the European institutions.