New CISP Board for the period 2020-2023


During the General Assembly 2020, the Italian Porcelain Enamel Center (CISP) elected its new Board that will hold office until year 2023. Ivan Camorani was confirmed President of the Association.
Here are the members of the Board:
President: Ivan Camorani, Vetriceramici Ferro
Vice President: Giuliano Carrettoni, New Furnace
Vice President: Armando Volontè, Wagner Group

Council Member: Dino Bellotto, Arcelor Mittal CLN
Council Member: Oscar Benedetti, ALA
Council Member: Francesco Bitossi, Colorobbia
Council Member: Davide Colla, Glassy Grill Cosma
Council Member: Paolo Colombo, Trasmetal
Council Member: Dieter Jacobs, Prince Belgium BVBA
Council Member: Andrea Marchi, Pramar
Council Member: Rudi Persigilli, Ariston Thermo
Council Member: Valter Petrucci, Whirlpool EMEA