Whirlpool supports the PlasticLess project


Whirlpool supports PlasticLess, the project promoted by LifeGate and aimed at collecting plastic waste from the sea through a device, Seabin, which collects plastic, microplastic up to 2 mm and microfibres up to 0.3 mm. Whirlpool has “adopted” two ports, both in the Marche Region, and on September 14th, at the tourist port of Fano, together with local and regional authorities it will put in the sea and in action this device. Seabin will be in operation 24 hours a day: it will be immersed in water and fixed to a jetty with the top of the device at the level of the water surface. Thanks to the spontaneous action of wind, currents and the strategic position of Seabin, the waste will be conveyed directly into the device. The water pump, connected to the base of the unit, is capable of treating 25,000 liters of seawater per hour.