Faber takes part at the 25th National Campaign for Quality and Innovation


Faber for the thirteenth consecutive year takes part at the 25th National Campaign for Quality and Innovation, called “Noi ci siamo” (We are) and sponsored by Galgano Group under the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and with the signing of over 200 of the most important Italian companies, private and public. The initiative, which this year takes place from 11 to 17 November during the 19th European Week dedicated to Quality, proposes reflections and debates accompanied by seminars, meetings and conferences on the subject. The main objective of the campaign is to promote the strategic role of quality and innovation to the benefit of the national economy. “The quality of products and services – says Franco Bergamini, Faber’s general director – is the result of our daily work. A constant effort, aimed at continually improving business processes to increase the customer satisfaction”. Supported and promoted by the three great world associations for quality in the United States (ASQ), Japan (JUSE) and Europe (EOQ), the campaign is an initiative unique in its kind. In Italy, it has been promoted by Galgano Group since 1989, on the occasion of the birth of the World Quality Day. Since 1995, the campaign has received the support of the European Union, which every year invites the Member States to promote initiatives to spread the culture of quality in their countries.