
Anti-condensate protection against rust


The use of an innovative coupled material for the structure of the air conditioner allows avoiding the rusting risk of the zinc-plated sheet metal due to the condensate, and also reducing noise and vibrations. A proposal by Casati Stampi.

Manuela Gioberti

The condensate caused by difference of internal and external temperature of the air conditioner room (in particular in case of split in false ceiling) deposits along the whole structure of the appliance and, with the passing of time, leads to the sheet metal rusting, even if it is zinc-plated. A possible risk to be avoided by using a particular typology of coupled material for the machining of the internal structure of the conditioner itself, which integrates the metal resistance and the high insulation of polymeric materials in a single body; adding, to this, also the noise and anti-vibrating protection. Casati at Biassono (MB) has developed an innovative coupled material (proposed both as raw material and as finished assembled and formed component) that integrates in perfectly cohesive way the structure of the zinc-plated sheet metal of the inner casing of the conditioner with the insulating polyethylene layer. A useful process not only for air conditioners, since it can offer innovative application fields also in the household appliance industry.


Top cohesion
The coupled material represents a perfectly cohesive solution, ready for the forming machining. The polyethylene is applied to the surface of the zinc-plated sheet metal not through bonding but it is instead directly polymerized on the metal surface before proceeding with forming. Thanks to this material, condensate does not come into contact with the metal, thus avoiding rusting phenomena, while the machining process allows reducing the sheet metal thickness and conferring whatever type of shape to the formed component.

Composed by zinc-plated sheet metal with close-cell foam polyethylene, the coupled material is self-extinguishing according to MVSS302SE and UL94HF1 regulations, it does not rot, it is non-toxic and non-polluting. With 25-250 kg density per m3, it confers excellent thermal insulation (use temperature -40°C-+95 C°), it is impermeable with minimal water absorption, anti-condensate, anti-vibration, resistant to compression and with high elasticity.

Cassette Fronte

Productive process
The main innovation proposed by Casati concerns the productive process and is mirrored by the possibility of machining and forming the product according to whatever demanded shape, through bending and/or forming, without the risk of polyethylene breakage or detachment, damaging the performances of condensate tightness. Coupling the material before forming it leads to the possibility of blanking and drawing it conferring any shape and configuration; moreover, the polyethylene itself can be applied in different colours and with different technical characteristics depending on the specific product requirements, together with the use of zinc-plated sheet metal of different types and thicknesses.

Cassette Retro

Insulated and silent
Nowadays the prevailing use of this coupled material concerns the condensate reduction in the field of air conditioning appliances, but the application range can be extended to applications such as waterproofing, anti-noise and anti-vibration.

The possible uses in the household appliance sector concern, first of all, the cases of appliances in which there are risks and problems of condensate, excessive noise or vibrations. Case by case, identifying together with customers the type of suitable polyethylene for the various uses, the coupled material grants the soundproofing or the vibration absorption, like in the case of the drastic noise reduction for the structures of washing machines or the anti-noise protection in the rear structure of refrigerators. Besides, it can be applied as thermal insulation on household appliances in which the problems of the temperatures detected on the external structure are not particularly serious.

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