New seals


HA05_P&C_OLDRATIOldrati Group, one of the major players in the production of seals on a national and international scale, with the new family of OLD ETS 2000 compounds can satisfy the new requirements of the household appliance sector that requires new technical solutions with new antifungal and antimicrobial properties.

Rubber seals can represent a suitable substrate for the growth of mildews and bacterial colonies. Oldrati Group, thanks to a forefront research and development centre for compounds, has succeeded in implementing an elastomeric material able to annul the bacterial and fungal growth in the lapse of some dozen hours, result certified also by a biochemical analysis centre in agreement with a prestigious Italian University.

The portholes and in general all the items manufactured with the series of OLD ETS 2000 compounds managed to annul the bacterial or fungal inoculations used in percentages exceeding 99.99% already in the first 72 hours.