Energy@home sponsor and promoter of the workshop I-CiTies 2015


logo energy@homeOn October 29th-30th, I-CiTies 2015 will take place in Palermo. The workshop is organized by CINI’s National Laboratory on the Smart Cities in collaboration with the association Energy@home. CINI is the National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics. The event is an opportunity of discussion on the main Italian projects in the field of IT and ICT technologies, projects able to meet and anticipate the needs of the people living in the cities, to increase the energy efficiency of buildings and homes, and to create new services in order to increase the citizens’ involvement. “This workshop – explains Giuseppe Lo Re, Professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Palermo and coordinator of the local office of the National Laboratory on the Smart Cities – is an opportunity of dialogue for the representatives from academia, research, companies and public administration, with the aim of presenting ideas, projects, and innovative solutions in the field of ICT for the smart cities, developing many themes: energy, mobility, transports, health, tourism, education, culture and e-government”.
“This event – adds Fabio Bellifemine, Director of the association Energy@home – is part of a process of collaboration between industry and research, promoted by Energy@home to increase the competitiveness of the member companies and encourage a greater collaboration with the Italian universities and the use of methods of open innovation, key factor for the success in the field of the smart technologies”. “We invited the Italian universities and the research institutes to propose their projects – said Giuseppe Anastasi, Professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Pisa – and, also thanks to the collaboration with the companies of Energy@home, we had an enthusiastic participation. This allowed us to organize a program with over 70 speeches that will show the vision for the future and the results achieved so far”.