Robot Forum Assembly, a journey in the industrial robotics (March 16th – Parma, Italy)


robot_forumThe last few years since 2010 have seen the biggest economic growth in the field of industrial robotics globally, not just in the Asian markets, characterized by high but contrasting indicators (average 2010-2014: China +40%, Taiwan +20%, Japan +8%) but also in Europe, second market in the world. Italy, second European market and seventh global market, finally experienced a return to the optimism with +32% in 2014 after years of missed successes. The increase in the industrial robotics market is directly related to the employment growth, thanks to the general improving of competitiveness in manufacturing through the use of robots. In addition to the automotive sector, permanently large reservoir of use and growth of the robotics industry, rates (higher than 20%) and growth potentials are observed also in other sectors. The robotics opportunities have to be caught and will have to be caught especially in areas with a low “density” of robots. And the opportunities are substantially translated in the increase of productivity by automating or supporting the operators in improving the efficiency. The assembly sector is the main candidate to the benefit.

The ingredients for the success
The robots abilities and the interaction with the human capabilities. Sensors more advanced, more and more sophisticated capabilities of manipulation, torn down the barriers that hinder accuracy, speed and dexterity, ease and immediacy in programming and training. These are just some of the aspects in which a modern manipulator shows great capacity of action on the production lines. Even the concept of production line tends now to be flanked by new ideas connected to more agile and free production models, with robots that support the work of humans as real assistants, ensuring at the same time a production costs reduction or an increase of yield. At Robot Forum Assembly, all these ingredients are presented and discussed by the protagonists of the scientific and technical innovations. A way to know the possibilities for the improvement of the production processes.

At this link you can read the program:

For information about the event please contact:

tel. +39 02 332039470

Solution Award
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On March 17th, the Robot Forum will move within MECSPE (Parma, 17th-19th March 2016) in the special initiative “Robotic-Assembly Excellence Square”, a demonstrative area with working isles and technical workshop managed by the sponsors. In this area, the magazine “Automazione Integrata” will coordinate the Solution Award ceremony. The application that will be rewarded will display particular technical abilities:

-in manipulation and in the perception in assembly

-in the use of efficient collaborative ways

-in organizing the layout and the processes.

The applications will be judged by the Technical Steering Committee of the Robot Forum. Candidates will be briefly introduced in occasion of the Forum. They will promote their application in the area during the 17th of March and their projects will be shown during the whole duration of MECSPE within the Robotics-Assembly Square.