One for all, all for one


The history of Sabaf Group started in the early Fifties in Italy and, through a constant growth, the company has become one of the world leader manufacturers of components for household appliances. Protagonists of this success the parent company Sabaf SpA and the subsidiaries Sabaf do Brasil, Sabaf Turkey and Sabaf China (specialized in taps, gas thermostats and domestic burners), Arc srl (operating in the field of professional cooking burners), Faringosi Hinges srl and Cmi srl (producers of hinges for ovens, washing machines and dishwashers) and Okida Electronik (operating in the sector of electronic components for household appliances).
A history that today, to be narrated in the right way, giving space and value to its uniqueness and at the same time to its facets, has needed the creation of a new business site. Pietro Iotti, CEO of Sabaf Group, tells the motivations and the targets of the operation.What has given birth to the need of creating a single website to present the various companies that make up the Group?
Until now, each of the various companies belonging to Sabaf Group had its own website. However, in recent years Sabaf Group has notably grown and we missed a place able to define, in detailed and organized manner, the Group itself and the ambits where it operates, together with its various companies. For this reason, we thought it was the right time to create a site ( that could satisfy this requirement and, meanwhile, we have seized the opportunity to review and to update completely the sites of some subsidiaries.

What is the communication target pursued by Sabaf Group?
The main target is displaying a showcase to the world that represents at best the Group, its values, its companies, its products and, finally, employees. The goal is conveying the right perception of what Sabaf Group is today, with its nine branches (in Italy, Poland, Turkey, Brazil and China), the over 1,300 employees and more than 440 customers in 55 Countries, as well as of its ranking in the world panorama of the various appurtenance sectors. Definitively, the site should be able to give whoever is interested in knowing us (customers, suppliers, investors and stakeholders) the possibility of understanding simply and efficaciously our reality and realizing whether they can find a solution to their requirements.

What are the features and the values shared by the companies belonging to the Group? And what about the differences that make them complementary?
Each company of our Group stands out for being a reference reality on a world scale in its specific sectors, with excellent level know-how, a broad product range acknowledged for its higher quality, a top level pre- and after sales service, highly appreciated by customers. Therefore, we share the fact of being leaders with well-rooted expertise, but especially we share the fundamental ethical and moral values on which the Group is based and that represent the foundations of our daily activity. At the same time, each company preserves its own roots and specificities that, through a correct management, are shared by the Group, permitting to improve and to optimize the functions or to develop products with an all-round collaboration.

How much time did the website design and implementation work take? How did it evolve, what professionalisms were involved and what were the steps?
The implementation has taken about one year since the first meeting among all involved people. Obviously, we turned to a team of sector professionals who guided us in the choice of the best solutions for our requirements, to achieve the wished result. We started from a brainstorming between professionals and the team of managers involved in the project, to understand target and way to be travelled to hit it. We defined the key points we deemed irremissible and afterwards their contents. It was a long and detailed work but it has aided us to understand how communicating at best our identity and our goals.

In how many languages is it available?
At present the available languages will be Italian and English but nothing prevents other languages from being activated like, for example, Chinese (already available for the site of Sabaf Spa).

Have you adopted the same structure and a coordinated image for all sites or are they designed differently, depending on companies’ peculiarities?
Each company of the Group has its own dedicated website (whose image is now coordinated with the Group’s) that expresses and tells the single specificities adequately.

What items are provided for each site?
Each of the sites, of both Sabaf Spa parent company and of subsidiaries, allows obtaining clear information about the company, its history, its products and open careers opportunities in each of them. If it is true, in fact, that through a site we essentially try giving information to possible stakeholders (customers, first of all), it is also true that at the same time we try attracting new talents who share our values and our ambitions.

Have you created some specific contents (videos, tutorials, technical contents…)?
The websites of the Group’s various companies already existed, with all necessary materials already at disposal. In the new sites, we mainly tried simplifying, rationalizing and standardizing the various information use modalities, so that the user, surfing from one site to another, can find the same logic course, the same “user experience”. In some cases, we have created new support materials, especially from the technical point of view.

It is possible to download documents (catalogues, technical sheets, white papers, articles…)? If so, does the download occur upon registration?
Yes, it is possible to download, freely and without any registration, a huge volume of information. First, in the Investors’ section of the Group site it is possible to download all the documents concerning the business management (Statute, Annual and Infra Annual Financial Statements and so on) or regarding mandatory communications to listed companies (Press releases) like Sabaf (SABA.MI). From the Sustainability section it is instead possible to download our Charter of values, a document that summarizes the values shared by the Group and on which the daily activity of each employee is based.
Other types of information are instead available for download in the sites of single companies, like for instance the technical sheets of products (downloadable from the Products section) or the corporate certifications achieved.

Are there any sections reserved to customers, with contents reserved to them?
No, all site sections are freely accessible.

Does the site provide for the interaction with users? If so, of what kind (blogs, chats, online quotes, customer care)?
In each page of each site there are some links connected with some modules to be filled up to allow users to get in touch with our experts and obtain all kind of information: from financial to technical ones.