Rold joins MIND Milano Innovation District


Rold, together with AstraZeneca and Bio4Dreams, is among the first companies to join MIND, the innovation district built in the former Expo Milano 2015 area. The access to MIND represents a strategic lever for the companies that will benefit from the innovation ecosystem, thanks to the direct interaction with all the subjects that are part of the district and the public realities (University of Milan, Human Technopole, Galeazzi Institute and Triulza Foundation) with which they will be able to develop ideas and innovation projects in a collaborative and multidisciplinary context. As for Rold, the agreement provides for a space of 550 square meters for offices and laboratories. Rold will host the Rold Academy which will guarantee its collaborators, students and professionals continuous training, technical skills and soft skills to face the world of the future. In addition, R-Lab (the applied research laboratory dedicated to nurturing talents and the development of new cross-disciplinary businesses) will also be hosted. The three companies will move into the district by the end of 2021.