APPLiA España was born

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Anfel (Spanish association of manufacturers and importers of household appliances) and FAPE (Spanish association of small domestic appliances manufacturers) joined forces to establish the newborn APPLiA España. “After years of fruitful cooperation, we are happy to see the APPLiA network growing”, commented Paolo Falcioni, APPLiA Director General. Along with other 13 of the 27 national associations, APPLiA España is the latest one to rebrand APPLiA. With each national branch representing the sector across Europe, the APPLiA network stands at the forefront of the political debate and strives to strengthen its positioning in the EU political arena. “As a result of this merger, we are committed to continue fostering the industry’s needs at all levels, in a concerted effort to contribute to a more sustainable and competitive European Union”, said Fernando Gil, APPLiA España’s elected President and CEO of BSH España. Indeed, “bringing together the wealth of experience and know-how of the two Associations into a single entity marks another important step to continue driving a successful industry, in the most effective way”, added Alberto Centelles, APPLiA España’s Vice-President and CEO of Jocca.