Thermowatt: stories, values and innovations of a 70-year long journey


A sequence of product and geographical expansions, which allowed Thermowatt – leading manufacturer of heating and control technological components – to develop and suit the different market contexts which have evolved throughout the 70 years of activity.

1974: establishment of the HQ in Arcevia, in the Italian household appliance district

It was the year 1952 when Thermowatt manufactured the first heating element for water heaters. In 2022, 70 years later, Thermowatt produces 40 million components per year in 4 manufacturing plants which employ about 800 people. During the 70 years of history there have been many market changes which have allowed Thermowatt to scale-up its activities and to suit different market contexts.
The first significant step was the establishment of the headquarter in Arcevia in 1974, in the Italian household appliance district of Marche Region. This step has been the key milestone which unlocked the subsequent national and international expansion.
The Eighties have been characterized by product diversification, with the start of the production of heating elements for household appliances, above all for washing machines and ovens, which allowed Thermowatt to become partner of leading household appliance manufacturers.

Entrance of Arcevia plant

Product expansion has been followed by geographical expansion, through the establishment of the Wuxi factory in 1997, in the outskirts of Shanghai, with the aim of staying closer to Asian Customers. For this reason, 2022 is a very special year: in addition to celebrating 70 years of Thermowatt, it is also the 25th anniversary of Thermowatt Wuxi.
The development has continued with the takeover of DhE Srl, today Thermowatt Professional, to further enlarge the product scope to professional and industrial systems and with the subsequent opening of a new manufacturing plant in Svilajnac (Serbia), to support the growth path in professional applications and household appliances sectors.

1997: production plant in Wuxi (China)

Large numbers, developments and innovation of the “Heating and control technology”
Numbers can explain this long journey even better than words: in the Seventies, Thermowatt produced about 200 thermostats a day through highly manual processes which involved a workforce of no more than 8 people. Today Thermowatt manufactures more than 50,000 thermostats a day, leveraging state-of-the-art technologies that ensure high quality standards. It is also thanks to this technological evolution that Arcevia was awarded in 2016 with the prestigious World Class Manufacturing Bronze Level.
«All this has been made possible by our people, that is collaborators and clients, who represent the building blocks of this path full of challenges and satisfactions».

2013: acquisition of DhE Srl, now Thermowatt Professional

To celebrate at best the results achieved in these 70 years of activity it has been decided to refresh the corporate image and to highlight the essential role that technology played in Thermowatt’s strategy. Technology has always been the main distinctive feature of the company, as well as the ultimate result from the collaboration with the customers. Thermowatt has always been for the market and for its partners synonym of “Heating and control technology”, expression which now became the new corporate payoff. To strengthen this message, significant new developments will be introduced during 2022, including the new website and the release of a highly innovative product soon on the market.
«Thermowatt’s success is the result of the commitment and the engagement of the people who have actively participated in the company’s development. For this reason, Thermowatt wishes to express sincere thanks to employees, customers and partners. We are confident that this journey together is still long and full of satisfaction».

2019: opening ceremony of Svilajnac plant (Serbia)