UL Solutions has been awarded for its UL 360 software

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

UL 360 software by UL Solutions has been honored with the Top Product of the Year Award in the Environment + Energy (E+E) Leader Awards program. “This accolade – the company explains – recognizes UL 360 software as an exemplary leader making great strides in energy and environmental management. UL 360 software for environmental, social and governance (ESG), sustainability and supply chain reporting helps organizations streamline data management, enhance reporting quality and meet evolving stakeholder demands. The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Management Institute tested the software and confirmed a high level of data quality”. UL 360 features dedicated modules such as ESG disclosures and scope 3 emissions. The scope 3 emissions data collection and reporting capabilities offer carbon management software solutions with proven system performance, supported by advisory and informed by carbon verification.