Ceced presented the Home Appliance Europe report


ha2025-pictureCeced (the European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers) has presented in Brussels, and across the European Union through its network of National Associations, its first Home Appliance Europe report, providing detailed information about the social, economic and ecological contribution the home appliance sector offers to Europe and Europeans. The report shows the main sector characteristics in the terms of energy, innovation and production, highlighting the industry’s ability to generate sustainable growth, create and maintain quality jobs, and contribute to lessen consumers’ impact on the environment. “It is with great pleasure that I present to you this report – said Reinhard Zinkann, Ceced president -. It provides an overview of one of Europe’s most established industries and demonstrates that our sector can be part of the solution for tackling some of the key challenges Europeans face today. It highlights the jobs we provide, the economic value we create and the important steps we continue to take on innovation, trade, energy efficiency and sustainability. Our vision is of a Europe that gets economic, social and environmental value from the appliances our sector delivers”. “We hope that through this report, the contribution our members deliver to Europeans becomes clearer and better understood – added Paolo Falcioni, Ceced director-general -. It is a snapshot of what the home appliance sector represents economically, socially and environmentally”. The report is one further action delivered under the industry’s ten-year vision and call for action, Home Appliance 2025, that was launched in April 2015. The vision showcases not only what the sector has historically achieved but also what is could additionally achieve with the right policy environment.

Here you can read the report.