New appointments for Gianluigi Viscardi


Last December the Regional Committee of Small Industry of Lombardy Confindustria appointed Gianluigi Viscardi, from Bergamo, President for the 2013 -2015 biennium. Viscardi – born at Bonate Sotto in 1952 – is President of Cosberg Spa at Terno d’isola, Italian company specialized in mechatronics, automation, robotics, vision systems, special assembly machines and automation modules. In the course of his associative activity, Viscardi hold the role of Vice-President and President of the Small Industry of Confindustria Bergamo and of Vice-President of the Small Industry Committee of Lombardy Confindustria. He is currently Vice-President of Bergamo Confindustria with proxy for innovation, technology and start-up. Vice President and member of the Board of Directors of Bergamo Development, Gianluigi Viscardi is also Councillor and technical-scientific Coordinator of Intellimech, the consortium of companies targeted to the interdisciplinary research in the ambit of Mechatronics, with headquarters by the RedKilometreScientific-TechnologicalPark. Besides, Gianluca Viscardi is member of the team of vice-presidents collaborating with the President Baban in the management of the Small Industry of Confindustria.