Operating on the cloud


HA_NL_WHIRLPOOLSince June, the working modalities at Whirlpool have been living an important turning point: five thousand employees in the Emea region of the leader multinational of household appliances have changed the operational platform and have adopted Google Apps for business, the suite of communication solutions in cloud for the companies of the popular search engine. The collaboration signed on a global scale between Whirlpool and Google Enterprise is worth 20 million dollars in all, concerns almost 30, 000 employees in the world and has a duration of five years, with extension possibility: for the Emea area, the transition to the new platform started at half October 2013. “It is a historical time for us –comments the vice-President Whirlpool Human Resources Emea Kathy Nelson– this technological passage involves a change in the working culture and habits. It is a fundamental stage of our project “working the way we live”; to have the possibility of working together, sharing the information in real time in whatever place we are and at any time of the day means to create the best expression conditions for everybody. Besides, there is also another important advantage in terms of appealing for young talents: university students, and students in general, usually make use of this technology. We want that young people coming to us work with the same instruments that they use in their studies and in their daily life. This will contribute in consolidating the status of Whirlpool as winning workplace”.