Investing in innovation at Mecspe


HA_NL_MECSPEThose who invest in innovation and stakes on the training of their employees are not only more satisfied with the current business trend but make their turnovers grow.

As highlighted by Mecspe Observatory, realized by Senaf on the occasion of Mecspe – the international exhibition of technologies for innovation (Fiere di Parma, 26th -28th March 2015) – turnovers rise for enterprises that innovate: a good 49.1% of them state that, versus 30.4% of companies that do not innovate. Likewise, the businesses investing in the personnel training witness a sensible increase of their revenues (48.7% vs 18.5%), as well as those choosing the internationalization course.

Organized in nine thematic mutually synergistic shows, Mecspe will enable entrepreneurs to find the best technological solutions in terms of precision mechanics, automation, software, subcontracting, treatments and finishes, moulds and dies, moulding and forming, metrology and logistics and, thanks to the subdivision into thematic quarters and squares, to identify and to compare easily the best market proposals. The exhibition offer will be completed by several updating and training opportunities, thanks to the implementation of a convention programme of absolute relevance and a rich schedule of mini-conferences organized by companies, universities and research institutes.

Besides the exhibition area, forefront processes, technologies and materials will find a high-level celebrative space in the Excellence Squares of Mecspe. Set up to show the best of the industrial production in the strategic made in Italy sectors – like for instance aerospace, motorsport, white goods, shipbuilding and railway, – the Squares will show once more an excellent finished product or a sector innovation, highlighting the value and the precision of each single component and emphasizing the contribution given by each single supplier in its implementation, thanks to the installation of operating machines.