New brand image for Sabaf


logo new sabafNew look for Sabaf, Italian company among the leaders in the production of burners that renews its brand image. Raineri Design, agency that received numerous international awards, has developed the new brand and has worked on a symbol that identifies the company’s business and, at the same time, is easy to apply on metallic components of small size. “A short survey with the top management- says William Raineri – has shown that the circular line of the burner had to be the basic geometry for the brand. The reflection on the factors that have made the company a giant in its field and the importance of a name that identifies Sabaf as excellence have brought to the creation of an original, simple and direct brand where the initial letter of the company is developed in a game of symmetrical volumes similar to the Tao symbol”. The new graphic image does not forget the past (the colors are the same: yellow and blue) but it reinterprets the past in a contemporary way. Moreover, the new logo has the lettering with thinner and more elegant lines. And the payoff becomes “We burn for technology and safety” to express the company’s mission and the strong penetration in the international markets. Finally, in early February, Sabaf will launch a new website designed not only to show the new brand image, but to be a useful and practical instrument to easily identify products, making navigation quicker and more intuitive.