Focus on energy efficiency at EEDAL


eedal-logoEEDAL’15 is the 8th international conference on energy efficiency in domestic appliances and lighting. It will be held in Lucerne (Switzerland) from 26th to 28th August 2015 and it will provide a forum to discuss the latest developments in energy and environmental impact of residential appliances and lighting, heating and cooling equipment, ITC equipment, smart meters and smart grids, consumer behaviour, the policies and programmes adopted and planned, as well as the technical and commercial advances in the dissemination and penetration of technologies and solutions. The three-day conference will include plenary sessions where representatives of governments and international organizations, manufacturers and academia will present their views and programmes to advance energy efficiency in residential appliances and lighting, for example, through international co-operation on product information and eco-design requirements. Parallel sessions on specific themes and topics will allow in-depth discussions among participants.