Seminar “Introduction to automation and control systems”


aniplaANIPLA (Italian Association for Automation) is organizing a seminar for the professional training in order to inform the operators (no specialists) on the themes about control and automation of industrial plants. The event will be held on March 22nd, 2016 in Milan at the headquarters of the publishing group Tecniche Nuove and it will focus on the process plants. Being a general course, preparatory to possible other more detailed courses, it may be useful also to those who operate in the manufacturing industry.

The seminar topics are:
-control and automation of process units and plant modules (packages, skid);
-introduction to the functional safety;
-mentions about instrumentation and electrical systems;
-mentions about plant informative systems.

The central thread of the course is the lifecycle of a control and automation system, from the concept to the operation and maintenance, seeking inspiration from de facto standards (eg. IEC 6131, IEC 61511, S88).

The course is mainly aimed at:
-system integrators;
-end users.

Therefore, it is addressed to assemblers of customized systems and manufacturers of plant modules, skid and packages, but it is also addressed to players involved in the definition of architectures, procurement, testing, operation and maintenance. However, the seminar can also be a benefit for those who, as suppliers, want to deepen their knowledge in order to better understand the customer needs.

The interested engineers can get six training credits, issued by the Order of the Engineer in Milan.

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See the program for the list of the Tecniche Nuove magazines that are media partners: a discounted participation cost is reserved to the subscribers of these magazines.