The Digital Universitas project, supported by Sabaf, is starting


sabaf digital universitas1The Digital Universitas project, supported by Sabaf, is taking its first steps, involving 25 students and 6 teachers. The initiative consists in offering free masters to university students in order to learn the new “digital jobs”, such as creation and management of a website, Apps development, digital communication, web design and business economy. About 70% of the students are male and 80% of the participants are from foreign families. Among the students, there are not only very young people but also people looking for a second chance in the business world. In a few days the first lessons will begin, during which the teachers will assess students’ knowledge. In August, they will be able to fill the gaps due to the materials provided by the school. In September, the classes will begin. When the lessons will be ended, each student will be matched to a company, with a paid internship that could become an hiring.