Collection of Weee in increase in Italy


In the first nine months of 2016 recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in Italy continues to increase. The data processed by the Weee Coordination Centre and presented today at the Weee Forum, dedicated to the circularity of the resources in the electrical equipment sector, show a net growth confirming the turnaround already registered in the previous two years.

aec1_11_cover01After + 8% in 2015, the first nine months of 2016 continued the positive trend of the collection, with a total quantity of 210.930 kg of Weee (+ 14% compared to the same period last year). Also increasing the collection at the individual group level, up to double-digit R2 (+ 35%), which includes Large appliances such as washing machines, electric ovens, dishwashers, R4 (+ 18%), dedicated to small appliances like mobile , tablet, blenders etc. and R5 (+ 22%), the grouping of light sources. R1 (Cold and Climate) show an increase of 8%, while the only sector in which decreases the collection is R3 (TV and monitor) with a -2%, a figure in line with the evolution of the industry in recent years. The Weee Coordination Centre also presented the data for the Plant for the proper treatment of Weee, distributed as 957 structures: 473 in the North West, 196 in the North-East, 149 in the center and regions 139 in the South and Islands. In 2015 compared to 883,882 tons of electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market, the authorized facilities have treated 329,460 tonnes of Weee divided into the five groupings, of which 259 574 t from household Weee amounting to 69,886 by professional Weee.